Friday, October 19, 2012

Nobel Prize Winners Speak Out

68 Nobel Prize winners in science & medicine have spoken out in an open letter to the American people about the coming election, and how it will affect our future. Here is their letter:

An Open Letter to the American People

America's economic future, the quality of our health, and the quality of our environment depend on our ability to continue America's proud legacy of discovery and invention. As winners of the Nobel Prizes in science, we are proud of our contribution to the extraordinary advances American science has made in recent years. But we're deeply concerned that without leadership and continued commitment to scientific research the next generation of Americans will not make and benefit from future discoveries.

President Obama understands the key role science has played in building a prosperous America, has delivered on his promise to renew our faith in science-based decision-making and has championed investment in science and technology research that is the engine of our economy. He has built strong programs to educate young Americans in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and programs to provide Americans the training they need to keep pace with a technology-driven economy.

His opponent supports a budget that, if implemented, would devastate a long tradition of support for public research and investment in science at a time when this country's future depends, as never befor, on innovation. He has also taken positions that privilege ideology over clear scientific evidence on climate change.

As a nation we must continue the investments that revolutionized agriculture, invented the Internet, gave us modern medicine and enabled a strong national defense. Abandoning this tradition would be a devastating step backwards. If you believe, as we do, that America's future is bound in esstential ways to science and innovation, we urge you to join us in working to ensure the reelection of President Obama.

I completely agree with this assessment of our leading scientists. If you would like to see who signed this letter, you can go to this site.

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