Thursday, October 04, 2012

Obama Has 50 Point Lead Among Hispanics

When Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) made his infamous "47% remark" a couple of weeks ago to a group of his rich donors, he also made some remarks about Hispanics. One was that he would be better off if he was Mexican. It now looks like those remarks to his rich buddies weren't taken too well by Hispanics. A new WSJ/NBC/Telemundo Poll shows that 61% of Hispanic voters say what they have heard about Romney in the last few weeks have given them a more negative view of the ex-governor.

That has resulted in more having a negative opinion of Willard than those with a positive view of him. The poll showed:



This all results in a 50 point gap between those saying they would vote for the president in this election, and those saying they would vote for Willard (a gap increase of 15 points since August). Instead of winning Hispanics over, Willard seems to be driving them away. Here are those numbers (on who they are going to vote for):



Back in 2008, John McCain got about 31% of the Hispanic vote, while Barack Obama got about 67%. With the election now starting to wind down, it looks like Willard will do even worse than McCain did -- currently polling about 10 points less than what McCain got. This is not good news for Willard. He needed a bigger Hispanic vote than McCain, not a smaller one.

This means Willard must get a significantly bigger portion of the White vote to offset how badly he's doing among minorities (both Hispanics and African-Americans). But that's not happening. Polls show that the president is holding on to about 42% of the White vote -- which is very close to the 43% he got in 2008.

The current movement of Hispanics away from Willard just might be the final nail in his electoral coffin.

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