Friday, October 19, 2012


This is a prime example of Republican obstructionism -- the only policy of the congressional Republicans for the last four years. They decided to oppose anything the president proposed or tried to do -- and they have done that, even if it was something they themselves helped write or once supported. They talked a lot about supporting the troops (which one would think should include veterans) and helped write this bill to help veterans find jobs -- but then voted against it simply because the president supported it. And this is far from the only example.

They preached about tax cuts for small business, but when the president tried to pass a tax cut for small business the Republicans killed the bill. Even Obamacare was a Republican idea -- proposed by Republicans during the Clinton administration. But as soon as President Obama adopted that health care approach, they did their best to block it (simply because the president supported it). The Republicans have elevated obstructionism to a new level -- one never before seen in this country. They refused to compromise on anything, in the hope that they could keep things from getting better in the country -- just so they could claim the president had failed and hopefully reclaim the White House.

This was a vile and odious plan, and showed they care nothing for the citizens of this country (except the rich). They don't deserve to return to power.

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