Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Dawkins Scale - What's Your Number ?

Found at the excellent blog called Unreasonable Faith.


  1. I come in at #4 although I would delete the horrid word 'equiprobable' and replace it with the Popperian word 'unfalsifiable'.

    Needless to say, by and large, taken in the round and weighing it all up, those espousing #1 and #7 are usually monumental pains in the arse with whom one would not wish to enter a jungle for any length of time!

  2. After thinking about it, I'm a 6.

  3. I want to say I'm a 4. The truth is, I'm probably closer to a 6, but a 6 is boring. 4 leaves more room for deep thinking and creativity...

    Damn rational brain of mine...


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