Friday, October 26, 2012

The Only "People" Who Like War


  1. Ted, Ted, really ... your examples of Left-wing agit-prop are occasionally amusing but mostly dire. However, this one reaches a record low for ignorance and/or stupidity beyond belief.

  2. Considering the source, I will take that as a compliment.

  3. Ted, I think you may be overestimating the American people. What they don't want is American soldiers dying in war, but other than that are all for it, and support by huge margins the "drone war" in which we kill people overseas from the safety of "cockpits" in Nevada.

    The fact that some of those killed are women or children does not lessen that support, and the fact that a large portion of those killed are not actually even identified but killed merely on suspicion is no deterrent either. We are, as the saying goes, "kicking ass," and "bringing evil people to justice." How we can be so sure they are evil when we do not even know their names is not spelled out.


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