Monday, October 01, 2012

True Christian ?

I think this picture speaks for itself (and for the fundamentalists in the Republican Party). From the website called Divine Irony.

NOTE -- The title for this post comes from the printing on his t-shirt (and not any belief that all christians think this way).


  1. Well, the most you will receive from a Christian by way of response is probably a prayer but I notice that you have nothing to say about Muslims who would agree wholeheartedly with the banner. Of course, their response might be, er, more forceful so better stay 'shtum', eh?

  2. It's true that some Muslims would agree wholeheartedly with the banner and I would venture to say, so would the ultra-Orthodox Jews. However, neither group has the numbers to be a significant political force in the U.S. The Christianist numbers are greater. (I refuse to call them Christians because they don't act Christ-like by any stretch of the imagination.) These fanatics are the ones who are trying to force their interpretation on the rest of us and who, despite their fear-mongering about Muslims, want to turn the U.S. into a theocracy.

  3. Clearly the obese male sign carrier doesn't honor the biblical restrictions on GLUTTONY


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