Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Voters Want More Solar Power Developed

Once again, Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is out-of-step with the views of the American people. He has said on the campaign trail that he would cut the government subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources. In the recent debate, he tried to justify this by remarking that 50% of the "green" firms that the government has helped with loan guarantees have gone out of business. This was a lie. Out of the 26 recipients of those loan guarantees, only 3 have gone out of business.

The truth is that the American people like the idea of clean and renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.). A recent survey shows that 92% of all voters thought the development of solar energy was either "very important" or "somewhat important, and only 8% thought it was not important. And the figures for the all-important swing voters was the same (with 93% thinking it was very or somewhat important).

And that's not all. The voters think the government should be doing more to support the development of solar energy -- not less. About 70% of the voters say the government should be offering more financial incentives for the development of solar energy technology (just the opposite of what Willard wants to do). And that figure rises to 72% among swing voters.

And the support for developing more solar energy cuts across all political lines. It has the support of 98% of Democrats, 95% of Independents, and 84% of Republicans. Willard is clearly going against the wishes of the voters, including many in his own party (except for the teabaggers -- the only group that a recent Pew Research Poll found viewing negatively the need for clean energy & action on global climate change). In fact, that same Pew Poll found that every demographic group (with the exceptions of those over 65 and the right-wing teabaggers) think a higher priority should be put on clean and renewable energy sources instead of traditional energy sources (fossil fuels).

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