Monday, November 12, 2012

Happiness Doesn't Lay In The Past

I saw this on Facebook, and instantly realized there is a lot of truth in it, especially with the current crop of teabagger Republicans. They are afraid of what the future may bring, unhappy about current conditions, and believe the answer is in returning to the past. It isn't. I'm old enough to have lived in a lot of the past they glorify. I grew up in the 1950's, went to college in the 1960's, and pursued my work career in the 1970's and 1980's -- and let me assure you that America was not better in any of those decades than the country we have today. In general, there is more freedom, equality, and opportunity for all Americans than there has ever been in today's United States. And with a little hard work and some faith in ourselves and our fellow citizens, there is no reason why we can't make tomorrow's America an even better place.

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