Sunday, November 04, 2012

They Really Believe This

You may think this is a rather harsh indictment of Republicans, and you may want to tell me that not all Republicans are like this. I answer that by asking, why then did they allow a plank in their national platform that would deny all women the right to choose an abortion -- even in cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is in danger? Why don't they publicly rebuke these candidates and just as publicly condemn that platform plank? They do it because they don't care about women. They want to keep them in a second class citizenship status -- not equal to white men. And it's not just their views on rape and choice. They also want to continue paying women less than men, and some of them are even in favor of denying women the right to vote!

It's not just women who should wake up and vote against the Republicans. Any man who loves the women in his life should do the same. How can you feel like a man if you want to deny the same rights you have to those women (daughters, cousins, wives, mothers, aunts, friends, etc.)? Everyone should wake up and realize that opposing equality for women (or anyone else) is just wrong. And it's also unconstitutional, even when it's wrapped in religion.

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