Sunday, November 11, 2012

This Man Is An Idiot

If there was ever any doubt that christian apologist Pat Robertson has completely lost his damn mind, this one quote should end that doubt. How could he possibly believe that christians are being persecuted in a country that is predominantly christian -- and has elected politicians that are mostly christian (even among the Democrats)? And how could anyone, no matter how stupid or insane, believe that so-called persecution is worse than the holocaust in Germany, slavery in the Americas, genocide in Rwanda and the United States, the Inquisition in Spain, and the mass murders in Cambodia (Pol Pot) and the Soviet Union (Stalin). I could go on and on, but you probably get the picture.

I know that Robertson and his ilk would like to pass laws requiring Americans to abide by the rules of his particular brand of christianity. But accusing Americans of "wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry" simply because they won't give in to his desires and replace our secular democracy with a virulent theocracy is way over the line. And it's really scary that there are many people in the United States that still watch his TV show and continue to send him money.

Let me be blunt. Refusing to allow people like Robertson to impose their version of religion on all American citizens is NOT a violation of the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom -- it is the very essence of it.

1 comment:

  1. Persecution is what the Christians in Nigeria and North Africa are experiencing. I don't see anything even approaching that in this country.

    You're absolutely correct that Pat Robertson and his ilk want to impose their version of religion on all of us. Unfortunately, this fundamentalist mindset in North America goes back a long time. We need only look at Anne Hutchinson or the Puritan persecution of the Quakers.

    I find this nonsense of Christianity being persecuted in the U.S. just another aspect of the inability of many on the right to accept that our country is changing and is no longer the exclusive province of old Christian white guys. It also seems, in my opinion, to be an example of how liberals are generally more open and accepting of change and diversity than conservatives with their intolerance and condemnation of any change that does not fit into their restricted and exclusive world view.



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