Saturday, November 24, 2012

Your Tax Money Subsidizes Rich People

And billions of your tax dollars go to subsidize these people every year because they pay their employees so little that:

 Walmart policies have increased employee reliance on government assistance and the need for a government funded social safety net. In fact,Walmart has become the number one driver behind the growing use of food stamps in the United States with “as many as 80 percent of workers in Wal-Mart stores using food stamps.”

Walmart’s employees receive $2.66 billion in government help every year, or about $420,000 per store. They are also the top recipients of Medicaid in numerous states. Why does this occur? Walmart fails to provide a livable wage and decent healthcare benefits, costing U.S. taxpayers an annual average of $1.02 billion in healthcare costs. This direct public subsidy is being given to offset the failures of an international corporate giant who shouldn’t be shifting part of its labor costs onto the American taxpayers.

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