Monday, January 21, 2013

Christian View Of Gays/Lesbians Changing

The right-wing fundamentalist christians in the United States have been adamant in their refusal to to extend constitutional equal rights to the homosexual community -- especially regarding same-sex marriage. They continue to say that homosexuality is a sin, and therefore same-sex marriages (and other constitutional rights) should not be extended to gays/lesbians. For them, the Bible trumps the Constitution.

But, as many recent polls have shown, that is now a minority view in the general population of this country. A clear majority of Americans now supports extending equal rights to those in the LGBT community -- including legalizing same-sex marriage. And there is mounting evidence that even in the christian community the view than homosexuality is a sin has become the minority view. This is verified by a poll done by a christian polling organization.

The polling organization is Lifeway Research, and there newest poll was done in November of 2012. Their poll shows that now a plurality of christians believe homosexuality is not a sin (which clears the way for the acceptance of same-sex marriage). Here are there poll numbers, which show significant movement from the same poll done a year earlier:


November 2012

September 2011

With each passing year, the fundamentalists are becoming more marginalized as support for their bigoted view shrinks. And the same goes for the Republican Party, which has made opposition to same-sex marriage one of the basic pillars of their ideology. That is a very good thing, because it means we are progressing toward a time when all constitutional rights will be equally accessible by all Americans.

1 comment:

  1. What is even worse is the point demoed by the sign. The hypocrite Xtians say it is a sin, by what criteria??? OT BS?? Then divorce is a sin too so lets stone them too at which they get all pissy and say that Jesus replaced the OT laws. But as the sign points out jesus did not say anything about gays. I think their hypocrisy should be thrown in their faces at every opportunity. If they want to treat everything else in Leviticus as they treat gays then all the better cuz that will get a lot of people in trouble and a lot more people will start leaving the religions.


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