Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ryan Tells The Truth (Accidentally)

"This to us is something that we're not going to give up on, because we're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people."

Those are the words of Rep. Paul Ryan -- and yes, he really did say that. He was talking about his proposed budget, and the fact that it would overturn all of Obamacare. A Freudian slip, maybe? Or did he just accidentally say what he was actually thinking (instead of the GOP lie he had prepared). Whatever the reason, it sounds like he finally said something that was true. The House GOP does seem determined to destroy America's health care system.


  1. Imagine if this little weasel was VP.

  2. Ryan's "one-trick-(dog and) pony" show (Path To Prosperity), which has been given a fresh coat of "lipstick", is nothing but a re-regurgitation of "Rand-ian" social sci-fi. Paul Ryan has not grown up and looked at the real world his constituents actually live in. He can't seem to let go of a demonstrably flawed idea he tries to give credence to with fuzzy math and vague policy pronouncements.


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