Sunday, April 21, 2013


Ms. Nasreen is absolutely right. Just eliminating the fundamentalists will accomplish nothing. Because soon, that religion will just produce another crop of fundamentalists -- perhaps even more virulent and violent than the last. That is just the nature of religion. And that is true of all religions, not just islam. Christianity, Judaism, and other religions all produce their own variety of fundamentalists -- the true believers who demand that everyone else must follow their own vision of their particular religion.

If others refuse to comply, the fundamentalists take that as a personal knock on them and their religion. For them, religious freedom means only that they should be free to force their religion on others (even if those others want no part of it). Tolerance and true freedom are foreign concepts, which they don't understand at all. I'd like to think there's a cure to prevent fundamentalism from springing from religion, but I don't think there is. It's just the nature of the beast.


  1. "Let us accept that God exists. But what if he didn't? Well, we would have to invent him, because he is necessary for the individual/society , for whatever reasons. So then, if he DIDN'T exist, we would actually be living exactly the same way, believing in a God that is not there." - Voltaire. So on the premise that we humans NEED a deity, 'for whatever reasons', there are those humans who will always need more. So the religious fundamentalist fanatic is born. There are fanatics and fundamentalists in all walks of life but none seem so destructive to society and humanity as the Religious Fundamentalists.

  2. Unfortunately there are too many people terrified of the afterlife so religion is always needed by the weak minded. Islame is no worse then xtians herein USA because we are a secular govmint ruled by law (for now anyway). Xtians behave here for too reasons 1) because of the Constitution & Law, 2) I have enough weapons to take at least 12 fundies to hell with me! before they send me there.
    Also being a godless atheist means I can lie and cheat to save my life from crazies..


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