Monday, April 15, 2013

It's A Benefit Cut


  1. And already the talk radio left is falling all over itself comparing those, such as I, to the Tea Party screechers calling me too strident in my opposition to such cuts. As a disabled veteran who receives disability compensation for service connected injuries I'll continue to withhold my support for such shenanigans until my Purple Heart turns blue.

  2. For all of my working life I followed the rules, saved money, invested in a home, took out an IRA, etc. I was told that I needed to do that because if the company I worked for didn't have a retirement plan, I would need to make sure that I could supplement my social security check with enough capital to sustain me in retirement. Then the economy took a nose dive in 2001 and an even bigger drop (almost a depression) in 2007-08. My nest egg and my security was shredded. I was within 4 years of retirement, had been laid off from a full time job in 2010, and I thought, "At least I will have social security and I can get some sort of job to supplement that". I played by the rules and rolled with the punches when they raised my retirement from 65 to 66, and I resigned myself to working for the greater part of my life after retirement. Now they want to short my social security by chaining any COLAs I would get to keep up with inflation to the CPI. So much for those who said that changes to "entitlements" would not affect current recipients. Many years ago I cut back from steak to hamburger, from tilapia to cod, and from coffee creamer to milk just to mention a few. I know some who have already priced a can of cat food and thought about how they might prepare it. But they discovered that cat food (in the can) is also expensive. I was happy that my mother has lived with the peace of mind that was provided by my father's social security and a small annuity. My dad (a colonel in the USAF) died in 1971 and my mother had two little girls to raise. My brothers and I sent money back then to help out until my sisters were old enough and my mother was eligible to receive benefits. One question...if your parents can't make it on social security because it has been reduced to make sure the wealthy get another tax break, will you turn them away when they ask to come live with you? Think about it when you consider the small cost of paying your social security tax and think about it when you gleefully cheer the government's plan to chain COLAs to the CPI because you think it will balance our budget versus the cost of providing for your parents when they run out of resources. Social security doesn't contribute to the deficit and it is solvent for the next 28 years. Think about it...

  3. With the Demoncrates going along with this and the rePUKEians pushing this then the next election I will vote for the 3rd most likely candidate it wont matter if its GREEN or NAZIS. If this passes then they have both shown themselves worse then NAZIS. I PAID for my SS and Military Benefits, they where NOT GIVEN to me. Its just as you showed on one of your posts .... How a gov'mint treats their old and sick that shows what they are.....ANYONE who votes for this is showing what an asshole scumbag they are. And you or someone will post a list of those that say YES to the pass and I can vote against all that I can.

  4. I also currently receive Social Security benefits, and it incenses me to be called a "taker"! I paid in to that system nearly 50 years before getting a penny back. Social Security (and veterans) benefits are the result of a contract between a citizen and the government. I, and millions of others, honored my end of the contract and it is now time for the government to honor their end -- and a benefit cut is an abrogation of that contract.

    And rest assured LL, I will definitely expose those who vote to cut Social Security (or veterans) benefits using this sneaky back door method.


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