Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bernie Is Still Making A Lot Of Sense

This bill probably won't pass in the Senate, and has a snowball's chance of survival in the Mojave in summer, if it gets to the House of Representatives. But it makes a lot of sense. Wall Street bankers have already shown us that there are no limits to the unethical and illegal behavior they will condone, as long as it enhances their bottom line (profit margin). For them, nothing matters as much as the almighty dollar -- and putting any of them in charge of the Fed is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. The GOP will kill this bill though, because they care more about the bankers and other corporate executives than they do about ordinary Americans. They think those foxes should have the key to the henhouse (and sadly, too many Democrats agree).

1 comment:

  1. I don't think of this as a political issue but more as the rich dicks want the freedom to play with the money but don't have to worry about any big looses because they control the congress and can get the middle/poor classes to bail them again if things get FUBARed.


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