Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Considering The Whole Picture

Thetruth is that the Obama administration has not had nearly as many attacks on diplomatic targets as occurred during the years of the Bush administration. Of course, the Republicans don't want to talk about that. They only want to talk about Benghazi, in a pathetic attempt to smear Hillary Clinton in case she runs for president in 2016 (because a Clinton candidacy scares the hell out of them -- and rightfully so). They also don't want to talk about how they handicapped Obama and Clinton by cutting hundreds of millions of dollars in embassy and consulate security -- which makes their attempt to scandalize Benghazi just another GOP exercise in hypocrisy.


  1. ...and who can forget the biggest terrorist attack which happened under Bush's watch, 9-11. Condi Rice actually had warning and they all ignored it. What hypocrites!!!!!

  2. Curious Texan8/02/2013 12:30 PM

    "Considering the Whole Picture" - Part 2


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