Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Older Americans' Attitudes Are Improving

I wrote a post a few days ago on how the moral attitudes of all Americans are becoming more liberal and accepting. When I was a youngster, all of the things listed in the charts above would have been considered immoral by a huge majority of Americans. In those days more people thought they had a right to tell others how they should live their lives. Today, most Americans have a much better (and healthier) attitude -- that each person has the right to determine how they will live their lives.

One of the things I found interesting is that older Americans are now changing their attitudes on these issues -- and that the biggest change among older Americans has come in the last decade or so. I can't prove it, but I think that has a lot to do with the "baby boomer" generation starting to swell the ranks of the elderly -- the "do your own thing", free love, civil rights, anti-war generation.

The latest numbers are from the most recent Gallup Poll (taken between May 2nd and 7th of 1,535 adults nationwide -- with a margin of error of 3 points).

I know that some, including many right-wing fundamentalists, will view this as a nation sliding into immorality (and going to hell in a handbasket). I disagree. I view it as a good thing -- that more Americans are allowed to live as they please as long as they don't hurt others. And isn't that the meaning of freedom -- having the right to make your own choices?


  1. WOW! People in my age group are "finally" catching up. I have a brother who is gay so I have no prejudice there. I gave birth to a son without the benefit of marriage and obviously that means I had sex without being married. And I divorced my first husband by the time I was 32 yrs. old. So I guess I am way ahead of my generation - 55 and older. Bow-chik-a-wow-wow

  2. I'm over 65 and believe there is only 1 sin--to do harm to another-harming yourself is just plain stupid. Otherwise do what you wish and be happy.


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