Saturday, June 22, 2013

Right-Wing Whining About Possible Decision

The Supreme Court will decide on the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in a few days, but right-wing fundies aren't even waiting for the decision to begin their whining. Evidently they think there's a good chance the decision will go against their bigoted views, and they just can't stand it. Many fundamentalist leaders (about 200) have signed a letter denouncing the possible decision, and released it.

Among those signing that letter are James Dobson (Focus on the Family), Joseph Farah, Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins (Family Research Council), Rev. Louis Sheldon (Traditional Values Coalition), teabagger activist Ben Carson, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, former Ohio Sec. of State Ken Blackwell, Gary Bauer, and Richard Viguerie -- a who's who of religious bigots in this country.

These nuts even question the authority of the Supreme Court to make that decision, and threaten to ignore the decision if it goes against them. Obviously for them, the Constitution is not really as important as their own particularly virulent brand of religion. Here is how they put their "threat" in the letter:

“[M]ake no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross.”

Ooh, that is so scary -- NOT! What can they do if they don't like the Supreme Court decision? Nothing. Their threat is as empty as that of a three year-old who threatens to hold his/her breath until his/her parents give in. And the reaction of decent Americans to this silly letter should be the same as that of the parents of that 3 year-old -- ignore the temper tantrum.

They are resolving to draw a line and not cross it? Big deal. No one really expected them to abandon their bigotry anyway. And they are free to continue their bigoted whining as long as they want (since they have the same free speech rights as everyone else). But it won't change a thing.

The rest of America (a clear majority) favors extending equal constitutional rights to everyone (including those in the LGBT community), regardless of what the bigots want (or the Supreme Court decides). And that majority will grow in the future (since there are far fewer bigots among the young than among seniors). They don't realize they are continuing to fight a war they have already lost.


  1. It is too ironic and amusing to read of all this kwetching and moaning on the day I attend a lesbian wedding. Bwahahahahah!

  2. Of course I would like to see DOMA knocked down next week, but in the long term, it probably doesn't matter.

    These guys are circling the wagons. In a recent poll, even the opponents of gay marriage said they believed that gay marriage was "inevitable."

    I don't know that there has ever been a civil rights movement that has moved as quickly as gay rights has. Centuries from now, they're still going to be studying how the LGBT community pulled this off.

    Over the next decade, of course, we will hopefully get to the point where coming out doesn't make news headlines(!), and there's still the issue of the churches coming to grips with gay marriage (a concept which didn't even exist in biblical times for Scripture to take a stand on).

    Next week, DOMA!


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