Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Donations Flow To Wendy For A Possible Run for Governor Of Texas

(Image is from the Facebook page of Senator Wendy R. Davis.)

It has only been a few weeks since State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) did her filibuster to stop the GOP's anti-woman bill, but short time has been very lucrative for her future political career. The GOP finally rammed that anti-woman bill through the legislature, but that hasn't taken the luster off of the political appeal of Senator Davis -- and people are responding to her.

According to the Texas Tribune, contributions to Senator Davis totaled $933,000 -- and that was just in the two week period between June 17th and 30th. Counting the money left over from her 2012 campaign, that means she now has over $1,000,000 in the bank -- and the money is still coming in.

That's not enough for a gubernatorial run. The GOP favorite, Greg Abbott, has more than $20 million in his campaign chest -- and Davis will need a lot more money to make a legitimate run for statewide office. But it's still early. She has time to get the money together before the real campaign starts next year. And she doesn't need to equal Abbott's funding -- just get enough funding to to pay for a credible advertising campaign.

That, combined with the newly energized Democrats (who are ready to work their butts off for her) could give the Democratic Party it's best shot at the governor's mansion in twenty years. I'm starting to get a bit exited myself.


  1. Anti woman bill? It's actually for women. Why would you ever want to promote something that causes more mental anguish than you can even realize, not to mention takes a life that never had a chance to be? Unfortunately it's okay to promote immoral behavior, but not to say, "Hey, wait a minute, think before you act, a child's life is in the balance." This is actually a way to get women to wake up and say to men "No! You will respect me and treat me as you would your mother, sister or daughter." It's time women stop believing the big lie from men that they are "free" to have sex with whomever. Really? Where's the freedom when you have to be the one responsible for the life that happens when you are "free" in your sexual behavior? It is also a way to save a child's life. Where is the child's choice in this? So sorry you can't see that.

  2. If you want to give up your rights over your own body to some ignorant males, that is your right. But you do NOT have the right to make all other women do the same.


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