Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keeping Marijuana Illegal Is Just Wrong


  1. Sitting in prison for a marijuana offense is just plain wrong...whether the length of incarceration is 20 years or 20 is wrong.

    I wrote about some of the things I saw 'behind the wall' during a 5 year stay for a marijuana offense. No, it is not like what may be seen on's a bit different than that.

    The book: The Reluctant Counselor

    After 3 years, I found myself 'helping' others cope with the nonsense...I have no clue how it came just seemed to happen. I never made an enemy in prison...among my fellow inmates or the staff. To me, it was just a matter of getting through a very bad situation.

    I write about it now as my way of helping point out just how ludicrous our pot laws truly are,
    Hugh Yonn

  2. I first tried marijuana when I was 21 years old. Now, 45 years later, I
    still smoke pot.

    I am 66 years old and have not taken a prescription medication in over 30
    years. Has regular cannabis use enabled this? I have no idea.

    I am active...hiking, canoeing, camping, bicycling. My last hike was 11.5 the Confluence Overlook in Canyonlands Natl Park. Has cannabis
    enabled this? I don't know.

    I do know that I am living proof that prohibitionist propaganda is a
    fallacy...a blatant lie.

    The worst experience I ever had with cannabis was spending 5 years in
    Federal Prison for a marijuana offense.

    I wrote about the escapades that led to my imprisonment. The book:

    Shoulda Robbed a Bank

    It's available at I would be honored by your review.

  3. My initial retirement plan was to rob a federal bank, then get free room, board, and medical treatment for 20yrs. But I think I'll change that and just start smokin! And since I do need medical treatment for some time this should work out OK!


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