Saturday, July 20, 2013

Not Your Decision

1 comment:

  1. This quote brings up another nuance to the "who owns my body, me or the government" question...when we want to die. If I have a disease that debilitates my body, I should have the right to exit this existence. Those like Stephen Hawking also have the right to continue their lives. But to deny someone the right to die denies them ultimate control over their lives and the government who denies this decision should be made to pay for their care. This obviously pertains to those whose condition will never get better. We should protect our young people who are healthy but depressed so that they have a chance to make an informed decision. In those countries where the right to die is legal, there are many steps, including interviews with family members, that have to be taken before a person can be assisted by a physician to end their life. It can be a very honorable way out of a very costly and painful life and still is ultimately the decision of the patient. Just another POV on "my body, my decision".


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