Thursday, August 22, 2013

Perry Has The Ability To Just Not Care

Texas has more uninsured people than any other state in this nation -- both in raw numbers and as a percentage of the state population. A governor that cared about the people of his state would be anxious to see as many of those people as possible covered by health insurance, so they wouldn't have to go without medical care until it was too late (as currently happens to thousands each year).

But Rick Perry (and the governors of several other red states) think politics is more important than the lives of Texas (and American) citizens. His rich donors don't need Medicaid, Medicare, or Obamacare, so he (along with many other Republicans) have lied repeatedly to scare citizens into believing that these programs are bad for them -- just to save those rich donors from having to pay a little more in taxes. It's too bad he doesn't have a conscience. If he did, he would be deeply ashamed of his actions. Unfortunately, having a conscience doesn't seem to be a requirement for Republicans these days.


  1. I just got my first letter from my foot doctor telling me because of this he will no longer be my foot doctor unless I pay the 20 percent up front.fuck perry

  2. Well Texas is a democracy, so if the texans don't want this action by Perry, then why the hell was he elected?
    And if he is not doing their will then get a partition started and over rule his BS.
    If this cannot be done then the majority want this and like every where else the minority get screwed


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