Monday, September 09, 2013

The Destroyer

When considered on a geological scale of time, mankind doesn't look too good. We've only been here for a tiny fraction of the Earth's history, but we have done a remarkable amount of damage. And the sad part is that we show neither the desire nor the ability to change.


  1. Just give us another couple of minutes and we will all be cosmic dust.

  2. And that don't count how we really screwed the environment or climate change!

  3. Humans are a scourge on this planet...sad thing too is we're also destroying many innocent creatures in our greed and stupidity!

  4. Asimov summed it all up in the early 60s.
    The earth has only so many square feet, animals, plants, and humans all need their square foot, if we are allowed to breed with out restraint, then the 1st two will disappear.


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