Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Sad Commentary

This is a sad commentary on our society. A society that does not read is an uneducated society -- one that will easily fall for the charlatans (both in government and business). And that is the death knell for a democracy.


  1. Good reading habits begin before kindergarten. Children's books get kids hooked on reading for a lifetime. All my family reads, thanks to my Mom buying us a variety of books on a variety of subjects. When we grew up we all followed our own interests...Accounting, Art, Anthropology, Business, Cooking, Teaching, and a keen interest in the world and it's people. Without reading about many of these subjects we wouldn't have known about them and might not have searched out our favorite interests. Thanks Mom!

  2. ...Expert in 7 years....????
    Call BS on that as I may be an expert but it will not mean a thing if I don't spend the thousands of dollars to bribe a college into giving me a PhD. I am not actually complaining as I knew the rules some time ago, and did not bribe anyone.
    But as a life long reader, I find the numbers a sad commentary on our so called enlightened(???) country.


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