Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Colorado Will Benefit From Marijuana Tax

I don't know if taxing marijuana was the reason for Coloradans to vote to legalize marijuana. I suspect it was for a few people anyway. But whatever the reason, it is a fact that Colorado will benefit from millions of dollars in taxes on the sale of marijuana (and so will the state of Washington). And that's pretty important in these troubled economic times, when all levels of government are struggling to get by without raising taxes. This new tax on marijuana will help the state to keep other taxes low (and the marijuana users will happily pay it).

This same tax could be a boon for all the other states and for the federal government (which desperately needs new revenues). It seems insane to forgo this new tax money, just to pander to those who want to keep an old lies alive -- the lies that say marijuana is harmful to its users, leads to addiction, and has no medical value (all of which are not even remotely true).

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