Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Scientific Experts Agree

(The above image is from the website of Mother Jones.)


  1. "Climate experts"!!! What a deliciously all-encompassing category that is. Does it include me, I wonder, because I consider myself to be something of an "expert" on climate!

    You see, Ted, that's why you should avoid 'agit-prop' - or simple slogans for simple people, as I call it!

    1. Do you have at least a master's degree in science -- preferably one of the environmental sciences? If so, then you are an expert. Otherwise, you're just a right-winger who's trying to confuse the issue (and float his own bit of propaganda).

  2. Replies
    1. Great post! I recommend it to all my readers.

  3. As of today all the climate deniers I have met can barely do basic math much less know any real science.


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