Saturday, October 19, 2013


If they hadn't proven it before, the teabaggers have proven it now by shutting down the government (and threatening to force the government to default on its debts) -- they are the very epitome of stupid. They couldn't get their failed ideas through Congress legislatively, and they couldn't get the public to accept those ideas at the ballot box, so they are destroying the economy in a temper tantrum. I just wish they cared half as much about this country as they do their anti-democratic ideology.


  1. The TP may be stupid but that doesn't mean that they're not still dangerous. Stupidity combined with their sneakiness and venality are a dangerous combination and their capacity for continuing to damage this country should not be underestimated, especially if they begin to feel cornered.

    1. Very true. Stupidity doesn't subtract from danger -- it adds to it.


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