Tuesday, October 15, 2013

They Don't Even Try To Hide It Anymore

(Image is from the Facebook page of Steve Marmel.)

Southern racists have adopted as one of their symbols the Confederate battle flag (the flag of those states who left the Union so they could preserve the institution of slavery, and went to war against the United States). In the last few years, it has not been acceptable to openly admit to racism, so the racists have taken to saying they fly that odious flag to honor their heritage or their ancestors who fought for the Confederacy.

I have never bought that argument. These people who fly that flag have to know that the great majority of people in the United States consider it to be a racist symbol. I think they fly it because it speaks for their feelings about race without them having to actually admit publicly that they have such feelings.

The scene in the picture above is a teabagger rally outside the White House. The flag being flown there (and accepted by the entire crowd) cannot be said to be flown to honor Southern heritage, since those people were not there to celebrate that heritage (and many of them are probably not even from the South). They were there to demonstrate against President Obama, and that flag was there to demonstrate their feelings about having an African-American president. It was there to insult the president.

Some have tried to claim the tea bagger movement is not racist (in spite of the racist signs that seem to appear at all their rallies). Frankly, their flying the Confederate battle flag outside the White House tells me they aren't even trying to hide their racist feelings anymore. They're proud of their racism.

Sadly, that should be a sign for all decent Americans of just how far we still have to go in this country to conquer racism.

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