Monday, October 14, 2013

Gov. Contractors Should Pay Decent Wage


  1. And what, pray, is a "decent wage"? Would that be the same as a "fair wage"? Is it bigger or smaller than a "living wage"?

    I ask because, unlike you, Ted, I do not swallow slogans whole!

  2. They are all the same thing.

    And you mean you don't like "liberal" slogans. I bet there are conservative slogans that you swear by. Besides, I don't consider Bernie's comment to be a slogan. Just something we should be doing.

  3. No, on the whole I do not like political slogans of any colour. They are invented by the clever to deceive the stupid. And 'over here' the word "clever" is not necessarily a compliment!

    But let me leave you with another question - who decides what a decent/living/fair wahe is? JackieSue implies that the unions should decide. Well, good luck with that one!

  4. Let me turn your question back to you. Who do you think should decide what a decent/living/fair wage should be? Company management, all by itself? Right, that’s a solution we can trust because we all know how fair-minded and concerned company management is for the economic well-being of all its employees when it comes to decent/living/fair wages. If there are no unions (or something similar) strong enough to counter-balance the power of company management, then how do you propose that a decent/living/fair wage be determined?


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