Thursday, November 21, 2013

Albuquerque Stands Up For Women's Rights

I applaud my neighbors in Albuquerque (just down I-40 to the west of Amarillo). The anti-women's rights movement tried to impose a 20-week ban on all abortions in that beautiful city by referendum -- and brought in lots of outsiders (and outside money) to campaign for the repugnant effort. But the good people of Albuquerque couldn't be convinced to vote against the right of women to control their own bodies. They defeated the onerous referendum by a 55% to 45% vote.


  1. And so the slaughter goes on . . .

  2. A typical response for a male right-winger (who will never have to make that choice). What Albuquerque voters continued was freedom and equal rights. While those are just catch-phrases for the right-wing, many people actually believe in those concepts.

  3. When does it become OK to take away the civil rights and liberties of one human to accord those rights to a zygote (personhood) or to an unborn fetus? Are women to become slaves because they are pregnant? This is not a viable option.

  4. Odd how you Lefties pick and choose your 'rights'. It's a 'right' for a woman to kill an embryo but you cheer when your President takes away your right to pick and choose your own preferred health care insurance. I do hope you all live long enough to experience what is looming over the horizon. As you wait, expecting nirvana but in reality a hell on earth, you might care to read this very interesting blog post:

  5. As usual, you are wrong. The president hasn't taken my right away to buy any insurance I want. I can buy a cheap, expensive or middle-priced policy from any insurance company I want. The only thing that has been eliminated is the ability of the insurance company to scam me by selling me a policy that covers almost nothing. I have lost no right by the law requiring insurance policies to meet a basic standard. That protects me and my fellow citizens -- just like requiring car insurance to meet a minimum standard does.


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