Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Caused By Greed, Not Need

Very true! American workers are available and qualified to do any of the jobs the giant corporations are shipping overseas. Those jobs are not leaving because of need, but because of greed. Exploiting the desperation of those living in third world poverty is nothing more than theft -- the theft of jobs from American workers and the theft of labor from third world workers. Unfortunately, in a capitalist system, corporate theft is praised and rewarded while individual theft is punished. This must be changed. Theft is theft, whether done by an individual or a corporation.


  1. Pretty soon they won't have to go overseas to find desparate workers living in third world poverty.

  2. The unions were actually part of the problem. Historically the unions did very good, much needed work for getting good pay and conditions for workers. But like many successes in america it became the evil that it fought. So companies found a way to break them-send jobs overseas. I was 'right-sized' out of a job as it was moved to mexico.

  3. So, thanks to your union, you were over paid and had excessive benefits which forced your company to "right-size your job to Mexico? Damn those guys for trying to make your life better.


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