Sunday, November 24, 2013

Religious Freedom

Too many fundamentalists these days think the term "religious freedom" means only the right to force others to recognize and participate in their religion (through force of government if necessary). But this was not how our Founding Fathers understood it. When they included "religious freedom" in the Bill of Rights, they meant to assure that all Americans could believe in any religion (or no religion) without any interference from the government (at any level). Our Constitution protects the right to believe in religions such as islam, hinduism, taoism, wicca, buddhism, judaism, or any other religion just as much as it protects the right to believe in christianity -- and it also protects the right to believe in no religion or no god at all.


  1. I see! So, if a practicing Christian objects to paying a tax which goes to assist in the killing of unborn children, that's OK with you, then, Ted?

    1. They would be objecting to something that does not exist. The federal taxes do not pay for abortions.

  2. I object to having to support Christian Churches and pastors with my taxes. Because they are tax exempt my taxes are higher to make up for their share. We recently had a ruling by a federal judge that part of that tax exemption is unconstitutional. I can't wait till all of the real estate holdings and other church income is taxed appropriately.

  3. The whole Idea of 'special' treatment to religion! They should all be taxed at the same rate as anyone else. "BUT THEY DO GOOD WORKS!!!!" well just like secular charity work, they should register and PROVE they do good works. "BUT THEN THEY GET TO HAVE A VOICE IN GOVERNMENT!!!!" What they don't NOW????
    Like Banana, I do HATE some of my taxes going to any religious org. They are ALL dishonest since they do not have to show they are honest like other tax exempt businesses. By NOT doing so the govmint is supporting a specific religious view and also being fascist because it is giving special treatment to a select group. Giving special treatment to the rich is not fascism but prostitution.


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