Monday, November 04, 2013

We Will Not Forget Or Forgive

Amen to this! Social Security is far from generous (with the average benefit check being slightly over $1000 a month), but it does keep millions of elderly Americans out of poverty -- just like it was designed to do. And it is not a government giveaway, since those who benefit from it have paid into it for the entirety of their working lives.

It is inexcusable to consider cutting Social Security benefits, especially since many of the rich (and the corporations) continue to get away with paying a smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class (thanks to subsidies, loopholes, a special rate for capital gains, and the hiding of income overseas).


  1. What most people don't understand is that SS checks are reduced immediately by Medicare Part B. Part B isn't sufficient to pay medical bills so most seniors take out a supplemental policy which is very important if you get a devastating diagnosis like cancer, heart disease, etc. Then there is the Medicare Part D premium from the Bush Administration. Add up all those premiums and seniors do pay their fair share considering that SS isn't paying a lot these days. I added up mine and my husband's 'premiums' for Part B, Part D and supplemental policies and our total bill for the year is $7,158. That works out to @17% of our total SS income. Of course we have all the other bills that come with home ownership and everyday living like food, electricity, gas and water, etc. Prices for food have gone up contrary to some reports. I have tentatively figured out that our COLA this next year will be @$50/mo combined. I live in MS, not because I love it but because it is affordable. A poll was released here that said for every retiree that moves to MS 3 jobs are created. So I take from that statement seniors are welcomed here because we add value to the economy. Everyone who bemoans seniors living on SS and Medicare need to rethink their POVs. Seniors are not living out their 'Golden Years' in the lap of luxury unless they have put away a lot of money. Most of us put money into an IRA which lost a lot of its value in the 'Great Recession'. Thank goodness for SS and Medicare or we would have nothing to live on. As my ancestors would say, 'Walk a mile in my moccasins' before you judge me. I hope President Obama doesn't give away the store on SS and Medicare but I am afraid he will. (Full disclosure: I am 67 yrs old, progressive, agnostic.)

  2. For the next elections I plan on reviewing every candidates voting record-not hard to do on line-and vote against any that went for the shutdown-wanted to side with the re-Puke-ians-cut SS or Medicare or against obamacare with out have a solution to health.


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