Monday, December 16, 2013

China Makes "Soft" Landing On The Moon

While the United States has abandoned its moon program, preferring to spend its money on a bloated military budget, illegal wars that cannot be won, and tax giveaways to the rich and corporations, China is going full steam ahead with its own space program -- and they seem to be making great strides.

On Saturday (December 14th), China became the third nation to make a soft landing on the moon. The picture above (from shows their rover (called "Jade Rabbit") immediately after it was released from the Chinese landing craft (the Chang'e 3).

The photos below show the rocket launching the moon craft, and the mission control room.


  1. Wonder if this will change things in DC? Naaaaaaaaa

  2. Oh god, now they're going to litter the moon with their "Made in China" crap...


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