Sunday, December 08, 2013

Democracy & Theocracy Cannot Coexist

Christians in the United States, at least those of the fundamentalist variety, like to believe they are victims. The truth is they are not now, and have never been, victims in this country. They are the aggressors, who try to impose their own views on those who disagree through the force of law and through intimidation. The Constitution protects their right to believe and worship as they want, but it doesn't protect their attempt to legislate their religion.


  1. Well, you legislate yours!

  2. That's not true. I oppose all legislation that would affect religious freedom in any way. I think the government should stay out of this, and not support any religion above any other.

  3. But . . . but . . . socialism *is* a religion! I mean it is as incoherent and nonsensical as any of the others and only believed in by people who can't be bothered to think for themselves.

  4. That's one of the dumbest comments you have made on this blog. You know very well that socialism is an economic system, like capitalism -- and neither is a religion or a type of government. Although I will admit that socialism is a more "christian" economic system than capitalism (which appeals more to greedy, selfish, and hard-hearted people).


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