Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Some People Refuse To Change (Even If Change Is Better)

Back in 2007, a law was passed that said the inefficient incandescent light bulbs must be phased out by this year. Manufacturers are no longer allowed to make these bulbs, and retailers may not import them from other countries. The reason for this is their inefficiency. They use much more energy than the newer style bulbs (and don't last near as long). The change will help this nation to cut down on energy use.

The truth is that the United States is late to this change. Some other countries, like Australia, phased out these old style bulbs five years ago. But some people just hate change, and they are busy trying to buy up all the old incandescent bulbs while they are still available (with some stockpiling hundreds of them). Some of these people think they are saving money, since the new bulbs cost more. They are wrong. The new bulbs are not just more efficient, they will last several times longer than the incandescent bulbs (and when you add up the cost of all the old bulbs to last as long as one of the new bulbs, you actually save money buying the more expensive new bulbs).

Others are trying to turn this into something political -- claiming that President Obama is taking away their "freedom of choice". And there are Republicans in Congress trying to take advantage of these dimwits -- by introducing bills to allow production of the old bulbs again. Of course, this is just silly. President Obama had nothing to do with this law, since it was signed into existence by President Bush. But the Obama-haters are not above inventing excuses to dislike the president.

Personally, I think this law makes sense. It will save energy for the country, and it will save money for consumers in the long run. I have been using the new bulbs for years now, and I love them. It's a rare occasion when I have to change a light bulb these days (and I like that). In fact, I can't remember the last time I had to buy any light bulbs, but I know it was well over two years now.

But there are people who resist any kind of change -- even a change that is better for them (and their country). These people will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new reality, but they'll eventually learn (just like they eventually accepted past changes).


  1. And here you have state-control bullying summed up in a couple of sentences:

    "But there are people who resist any kind of change -- even a change that is better for them (and their country). These people will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new reality, but they'll eventually learn (just like they eventually accepted past changes)."

    I just love that "dragged kicking and screaming into the new reality". Now what countries past and present does that remind me of? Time for a re-naming ceremony, I feel, something like 'America, Land of the Free to do whatever the government tells you to do'. Doesn't have quite the ring of the old one but, hey, at least it's accurate!

  2. The Congress has to duty to provide for the public welfare, and don't forget, it was a "compassionate conservative" that signed this into law. There is no right to buy an inferior product that costs more and wastes energy, and this is not an abridgment of "freedom".

  3. Mary Mazzoni | Tuesday October 22nd, 2013

    "Walmart Opens First 100 Percent LED-Lit Store in Ohio

    LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, use up to 80 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and can last more than 25 times longer – meaning the new Walmart location will reap energy-saving benefits for decades to come. LEDs also produce much less heat than both incandescents and CFLs – reducing cooling costs for the store."

    Walmart did this voluntarily...cause it saves energy thus saving money.

  4. Duff Dynasty,
    FYI: Fossil fuel electrical generation pollutes the environment and diverts American energy dollars to overseas suppliers that are often hostile to American interests. Air pollution aggregates asthma in children, causes acid rain, and contributes to global climate change.

    Food regulations protect the health of the American public by keeping salmonella, toxic chemicals, among other things, out of the national food supply.

    While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, your chuckle headed concept of freedom does not serve the public interest.

  5. Oh dear, such innocence! I fear for you, Ted, and your once admirable nation. I mean, it's not as though you haven't plenty of examples to provide you with warnings!

  6. Examples like Great Britain? I'd like to try out free national healthcare, and state funded education. My son's Canadian cousins have said categorically that they wouldn't trade their 'system' for ours here in the US because they already have tried it out and it doesn't compare favorably at all. BTW: Queen Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of Canada.


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