Saturday, January 18, 2014

Unions Give Workers Power


  1. True as long as they don't get full of themselves and become another crook group throwing their power around.

    1. I agree. Back in the 70s I belonged to the IBEW only because I could not do any work on any Union Site unless I belonged to the union. I am a graphic designer and was hired to create logos and branding and design invoices. Fortunately, I was able to write off my union dues on my tax return as a cost of doing business.

  2. “It cannot be stressed enough that the coercion which unions have been permitted to exercise contrary to all principles of freedom under the law is primarily the coercion of fellow workers. Whatever true coercive power unions may be able to wield over employers is a consequence of this primary power of coercing other workers.”

    F. A. Hayek

  3. It's cool these days to demonize unions, and I'll admit that some unions in the past have been too close to organized crime. But what is your solution? Do you want to do away with them and let the owners abuse workers however they wish? No worker can hope to match the power of a corporation without organizing with all other workers. And the owners have demonstrated too many times in the past that they will take every opportunity to abuse their workers. Labor is just as important as capital, for without labor nothing gets made. Unions are the only way to allow labor to be on an equal footing, as they should be. Labor is the only thing a worker has to sell, and it should not be stolen from him/her.

  4. Despite my comment above, places like Walmart shows that Unions are still very necessary. But like rich Aholes owning businesses, unions must take great care not to let their power protect and empower the wrong people. And history has shown that 'back in the good old daze' the top 1% where no better than they are now.


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