Sunday, March 16, 2014

jobsanger Is 8 Years Old Today !

The first post written for this blog was on March 16, 2006 -- which means this blog is now eight years old. It wasn't a great post, but it started me down this road and I've now posted over 15,240 different blog entries.

Google tells me that jobsanger has had more than 1.923 million page views. I was hoping to get to 2 million before this eighth blogiversary, but it didn't quite get there. Of course, that figure doesn't include this blog's posts reposted on other sites -- such as Best of the Blogs, Paperblog, The Rag Blog, or passed on to other publications through NewsTex.

Those figures fall far short of making me one of the "big" blogs, but it exceeds the wildest dreams of what I thought I might accomplish when I wrote that first post. And for that, I want to thank all of my readers. Whether you're a commenter, a regular reader, or just drop by once in a while, I sincerely appreciate it. You make this endeavor both worthwhile, and a lot of fun.

I still feel like I have a lot more to say, so I plan to continue to blog -- hopefully for a few more years. And I will do so without accepting any paid advertisements, so you can be sure you are getting my honest opinion (and not something I was paid to say).

Once again, thanks for reading this blog -- and I hope reading it makes you as happy as it makes me to write it.

(The image of the cake with 8 candles above is from acidstorytime.)


  1. And it doesn't count your RSS feed hits, either. Keep up the good work.

  2. Mazel Tov, Ted. Here's to the first 8 and many, many more.

  3. Keep up the GREAT writing....luv reading this every day!

  4. Happy Bogiversary, Ted! I start my day with your blog and my morning coffee every day. It indeed does make me as happy, or sometimes mad, as it likely does you when you write. Keep up the great blog!

  5. Thank you Andy, Gra*ma, Ginger, and Nani. I deeply appreciate all of your kind words and sentiments.


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