Monday, April 07, 2014

Senator Tom Udall Makes A Plea For Immigration Reform

Here is the latest missive from Senator Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) to his supporters. In it, he makes a plea for immigration reform, which he has solidly supported for quite a while now.

I think Senator Udall understands that immigration reform is not going to be passed by this Congress. The teabaggers in the House will make sure of that. But since the Republicans are killing immigration reform for right now, Senator Udall wants to make them own that position as the elections draw nearer. He wants the American public (who support reform) to know who has killed it -- and I think he's very smart to do that.

I hope Senator Udall, and his Democratic cohorts, continue to remind the voters about this over the next few months -- and also about the GOP's desire to cut Social Security benefits, eliminate the Medicare program, block raising the minimum wage, cut food stamps, cut taxes for the rich & corporations, and cut education funding at all levels. The voters need to be reminded early and often about the hard-hearted stands of the Republicans.

Here is what Senator Udall had to say about immigration reform:

A week ago, we celebrated civil rights leader César Chávez’s birthday. His legacy reminds us of the importance of family, and that no matter who you are, or where you come from, everyone deserves respect and a shot at the American Dream.

As residents of a border state, the people of New Mexico are well aware of the complexities and challenges associated with immigration reform.

Congress’ response to immigration reform illustrates two things -- what our government is capable of when folks focus on what’s best for the country, and what happens when they don’t.

Last year, I was thrilled when Senators from both sides of the aisle came together to pass a comprehensive immigration package that secures our borders and strengthens the American economy. Yet partisan obstructionists in the House of Representatives refuse to take action.

Immigration reform is an issue that affects thousands of families in New Mexico and millions across the country. It shouldn’t be treated as a political bargaining chip by those on the far right.

America's 1.6 million "DREAMers," children brought into our country illegally by their parents when they were young, are some of the most important examples of the need for immigration reform. For these children, America is the only home they’ve ever known.

America desperately needs an immigration system that works for these children, their families, and for all undocumented families already living here.

But we can’t move forward until the House decides to take action. Sign our petition today and let the House know that it’s time to pass comprehensive immigration reform right now.

America is a nation of immigrants, established by our forefathers on the sacred principles of freedom and equal opportunity for all. But our current immigration system does not reflect these values.

I support comprehensive immigration reform because it’s good for our economy, good for families, and because it’s the right thing to do. I hope you’ll join me.

Thank you.

 Senator Tom Udall

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