Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Real Benghazi Scandal


  1. found this on a huff post comment;

    POTUS McKinley (R) - negotiated POW release with Spain
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS T Roosevelt (R) - Negotiated amnesty for Filipino insurgents
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Eisenhower (R) - Negotiates POW release (including deserters) with NKorean communists
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Ford (R) - Negotiates prisoner release with NKorea
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Nixon (R) - Negotiates POW release (including deserters) with Viet Cong
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Reagan (R) - Negotiates hostage release with Iranian terrorists, POW release with Syrian terrorists, mercenary release with Nicaraguan communists
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Bush I (R) - Negotiates POW release with Saddam Hussein
    GOP reaction = Brilliant Leadership

    POTUS Obama (D) - Negotiates POW release with Afghan insurgents
    GOP reaction = Unprecedented! Illegal! Impeachable! Treasonous! Imperial Presidency! BENNNNNNNNNNGHAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!

  2. Brian! Well and accurately stated.


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