Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Public Doesn't Like Congressional Leaders (Of Either Party)

These charts were made from a recent Gallup Poll. That survey was done between September 25th and 30th of a random national sample of 1,252 adults, and has a margin of error of 3 points. It turns out that the general public doesn't care for the congressional leaders of either political party. House Speaker John Boehner is viewed unfavorably by 50% and favorably by only 28% -- while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is viewed unfavorably by 45% and favorably by only 21%. Those are some pretty bad numbers for both.

Even more amazing is the fact that both of them only have a 46% favorable rating from their own political party -- a matin below 50% that exceeds the poll's margin of error. It's pretty bad when you can't even get majority support from your own party.

I think this just verifies the anger that almost all Americans have with Congress in general (although I admit that neither has lived up to public, or party, expectations). The voters are in an anti-incumbent mood, and we could see a lot of new faces in Congress come January.

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