Sunday, October 12, 2014

Skepticism Is Not Cynicism


  1. Definitely one of my long standing heroes of skepticism.

  2. So, you apply it to so-called global warming, er, sorry, I mean climate change, do you?

    1. Absolutely. The difference is that there is an overwhelming amount of real evidence proving global climate change is real. There is not a shred of evidence that god (any god) is real.

  3. Well David you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you will be dead before the big changes occur and will not hear you G'kids asking why didn't the last generation of Aholes DO SOMETHING!!!!! And unlike DENIERS skeptics ask questions, look to experts (NOT dumb assed politicians) for information, and analyze the information.
    And as stated , you can deny anything you like, your G'Kids wont care about your denials.


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