Friday, November 07, 2014

Boehner / McConnell Say They Will Repeal Obamacare

Well, it didn't take long for the Republicans to go back to their old obstructionist ways. Instead of trying to lay out an agenda of compromise that both Congress and the president could agree on to get our economy moving again, they have decided to make the repeal of Obamacare one of their early objectives.

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal published on Wednesday, just one day after the election, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell accused the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) of killing jobs and hurting health care in the U.S.

Of course those charges are ludicrous. Obamacare has been responsible for many thousands of new jobs in the health care industry (because hospitals are now getting paid for care they once had to write off as a loss), and no one can point to any credible evidence that Obamacare has cost jobs in any other industry.

And how has heal care been hurt -- when millions more Americans now have health insurance and can get the care that once was denied to them (especially preventative care). The fact is that the overwhelming majority of the health care industry thinks Obamacare has been good -- both for them, and for the millions who now have access to health care.

There is no way they can actually repeal Obamacare. The president has already said:

"On health care, there are certainly some lines I'm going to draw. Repeal of the law I won't sign. Efforts that would take away health care from the 10 million people who now have it and the millions more who are now eligible to get it, we're not going to support."

And he added that he would also not sign any bill eliminating the individual mandate.

I think McConnell understands this, because he said they would probably try to repeal it a bit at a time. That's not going to work either though. President Obama will veto anything that substantially hurts the Affordable Care Act -- and both houses of Congress have enough Democrats to prevent the override of a presidential veto.

I sort of hope the Republicans do try to damage Obamacare. They won't be able to do it, and it will remind the voters of just how out-of-touch the Republican officials really are. A clear majority of Americans have been saying they don't want Obamacare to be repealed for months now -- and the longer it stays in effect, the more people will realize that (while it didn't cure everything in our broken system) it definitely improved health care in this country.

Bring it on Boehner / McConnell. You may have a majority in both houses of Congress, but this is a fight you cannot win -- and could easily hurt you in 2016.

(The image above is by DonkeyHotey.)


  1. The GOP should avoid trying to rid your country of 'Obamacare' in one hit. Instead they should use their fiscal power to put it to death by a thousand cuts. For example, and this would be delicious, repeal the coverage mandate which would actually re-instate Obama’s broken promise that “if you like your health-care plan, you can keep it”. Let him try and veto that one!

    But more important is to put forward small bill after bill (with all the 'pork fat' trimmed off!) dealing with specific things of which most people would approve, eg, the Keystone pipeline, allowing the export of liquid gas/oil, etc. These should land on the Round Office desk every week and if the petulant president vetoes them all - then so be it because the people will soon recognise who the new 'party of No' is!

    'HillBilly', of course, being a shrewder operator than the loony-Lefties will tack to the Right to avoid the flack which means that she will lose swathes of her own party thus leaving the ground clear for Gov. Walker to, er, walk into the White House in 2016. Jolly good show!

  2. Your rant and the GOB reminds me of the nutty xtian going on about what's wrong with evilution, but NEVER giving any proof that their idiot idea is correct. This is the same...Obama puts a rePUKEian health plan in place but since he did it the GOP can't stand for that and have to tear it down. Hey dumb-schites do everyone a favor and propose a BETTER health plan! Whoops! Sorry I forgot they can't because they don't want one!!! They don't give a schite about people.

  3. LL, "calm down, dear" and do try and write literate English - it's not that difficult!


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