Thursday, November 06, 2014

Eating Crow

(This image is from the website TV By The Numbers.)

My lunch today was crow, and I eat it without the benefit of salt or pepper (or salsa)!

I was wrong about how I thought the election would turn out -- very wrong!

I thought the Democrats would make inroads in the House of Representatives, and maybe even flip the House. I was wrong.

I thought the Democrats would retain control of the Senate. I was wrong.

I thought the Democrats and Independents had learned their lesson from the 2010 election, and they would show up at the polls to prevent teabagger majorities. I was wrong.

I thought the general public understood that the recent (and ongoing) economic disaster was primarily due to the "trickle-down" economic policies imposed by the Republicans. I was wrong.

I thought the American people understood that the Republicans were responsible for the corporate exporting of American jobs by giving corporations a tax break to send jobs overseas. I was wrong.

I thought the people understood it was the Republicans that were blocking a minimum wage raise. I was wrong.

I thought the public understood this was a very important election, and would vote in large numbers. I was wrong.

DAMN! Crow tastes nasty!


  1. Well and bravely said, Ted, and it's nice for me to have company in the 'Boy, I got that forecast wrong' corral. Anyway, console yourself, the GOP can usually be relied on to drop their 'bowl of cherries' in the political dust. For a start they will soon set about tearing each other to pieces as they try to pick a candidate for 2016. It should be Gov. Walker by a mile but Karl Rove will do his best to stick his pudgy fingers in the pie and ruin it.


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