Monday, November 03, 2014

My Opinion On The U.S. Senate Races

This year's campaign ends tomorrow as voters go to the polls and pick who will run this country for the next two years. All of the pundits are picking the Republicans to keep control of the House, and they could well do that -- but I still think they are underestimating the voter anger at Congress (and there is a slim chance the House could be flipped).

But the big story tomorrow night will be what happens in the senate races. Republicans are hoping to take control of the Senate, and Democrats are hoping to retain their control -- and the political pundits have been back and forth between the two for months now. Here is how I see all the senate races right now:

Kansas -- Greg Orman

Oregon -- Jeff Merkley
New Mexico -- Tom Udall
Michigan -- Mike Peters
Minnesota -- Al Franken
Illinois -- Richard Durbin
Louisiana -- Mary Landrieu
North Carolina -- Kay Hagan
Virginia -- Mark Warner
Delaware -- Christopher Coons
New Jersey -- Cory Booker
Rhode Island -- Jack Reed
Massachusetts -- Edward Markey
New Hampshire -- Jeanne Shaheen
Alaska -- Mark Begich

Idaho -- James Risch
Montana -- John Walsh
Wyoming -- Michael Enzi
South Dakota -- Mike Rounds
Oklahoma -- Tom Coburn
Texas -- John Cornyn
Arkansas -- Tom Cotton
Mississippi -- Thad Cochran
Alabama -- Jeff Sessions
South Carolina -- Lindsey Graham
Tennessee -- Lamar Alexander
West Virginia -- Shelly Moore Capito
Maine -- Susan Collins

Colorado -- Udall (D) vs Gardner (R)
Kentucky -- Grimes (D) vs McConnell (R)
Georgia -- Nunn (D) vs Perdue (R)
Iowa -- Braley (D) vs Ernst (R)

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