Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Majority In U.S. Still Support A Woman's Right To Choose

Evangelicals, and their elected Republican puppets, have tried hard in the last few years to turn the American public into people who oppose a woman's right to choose (the right for each woman to choose for herself whether to have an abortion or not). They have been able to chip away around the edges of the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision, which allows the right to an abortion in the first trimester (and limited other cases), but they have not been successful in changing the public's mind about choice.

The public knows that outlawing abortion would just drive providers into the back alleys, and cost the lives of thousands of desperate women -- and they don't want that.

As the chart above shows, a clear majority of Americans still support a woman's right to choose (55%), while only 36% oppose that -- a 19 point gap for support over opposition. The GOP's efforts to chip away at a woman's right to choose just shows they are once again taking a position in opposition to the view of a majority of Americans.

The chart above was made from information in a new Rasmussen Poll -- done on January 2nd of a random national sample of 800 likely voters, with a 3.5 point margin of error.

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