Thursday, January 29, 2015

Capitalism - The Destroyer


  1. This has been a constant source of irritation with me these last few decades -- especially coming from libertarians. There is a profound lack of imagination. The theory seems to be that capitalism is the best that we can have; and even if a better system is theoretically possible, we dare not do anything because the current system is "natural." I know they hate to hear it, but there really is nothing other than social Darwinism supporting their high minded doctrines of efficiency and "freedom."

  2. The theory seems to be that capitalism is the best that we can have;
    Comes from the old pile of BS that goes ...its good enough for G'Pa so its good enough for everyone else!!!!
    Capitalistic thievery has been so closely linked to 'merica that to say it is bad makes one a communist, as if that would be bad.
    Point... Many people think StarTrek is really cool and a nice way to live....guess what IT AINT A CAPITALISM!!!!!! It is a ......I'll let you figure it out.....think about it.


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