Sunday, February 15, 2015

Most Americans Satisfied With Decline Of Religious Influence

The folks over at the Gallup Poll (in a survey done between January 5th and 8th of a random national sample of 804 adults, with a 4 point margin of error) decided to find out what Americans thought of the current religious influence in the United States. And they found that a slight majority (53%) are currently satisfied.

The religious right would have us believe that most Americans want a strong religious influence in this country -- but that is simply not true. There is no denying that religion has less influence in this country that it has had in the past, and most Americans are fine with that. In fact, about 22% would like to see even less religious influence, while only 8% thinks there religion should have more influence.

It is happening slowly, with the most significant change happening in each new generation, but the United States is becoming a more secular nation -- and that is a good thing. It's good because that's the only way to protect true religious freedom (the ability for all citizens to worship in their chosen religion, or in no religion at all).

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