Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Church Attendance Is Low In The United States

Right-wing fundamentalists want Americans to believe the United States is a religious nation -- specifically a christian nation. But if weekly attendance at a religious service (which should be commonplace among the truly religious) is a benchmark for the nation's religiosity, then we are not nearly as religious as they proclaim.

Note that only one of the fifty states (Utah) has a majority percentage of people saying they attend religious services weekly, and it is only 51%. Another eight states have percentages at or above 40%. All of the other 41 states have less than 40% of their population attending weekly religious service -- and 17 of those states have percentages less than 30%.

This doesn't sound like a christian, or even a religious, nation to me. It sound more like a secular nation, where religion is really not that important to most citizens.

These numbers are from a newly released Gallup Poll -- done between January 2nd and December 30th of a random national sample of 177,030 adults. The poll has a margin of error of 1 point, but the margin of error for each state is between 3 and 6 points.

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